Thematic Area

What we do
What we do

Thematic Area

  • Inter-generational dialogue
  • Arts and Music
  • Peer to peer learning
  • Combating the hate speech
  • Evidence-based advocacy

CPA documents the following areas of human rights violations these include;

  • Sexual and gender- based violence
  • Rape among human beings’ girls, women, men and other
  • Killings
  • Forced disappearance
  • Forced and early child marriages
  • Arbitrary detention by the state actors and non- state actors
  • Youth capacity building in African Union Transitional Justice Policy and chapter five of R-ARCSS
  • The Commission for Truth, Reconciliation and Healing (CTRH)
  • An independent hybrid judicial body, to be known as the Hybrid Court for South Sudan (HCSS)
  • The Compensation and Reparation Authority (CRA)

Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association serve as a vehicle for the exercise of many other rights guaranteed under international law, including the rights to freedom of expression and to take part in the conduct of public affairs.

Benchmarks and standards may include:

  • The right to be consulted about transitional processes and making provisions to solicit the views of IDPs, refugees and stateless persons, including through visits in the territories, camps and countries where they are seeking refuge;
  • Investigative processes in both criminal processes and truth commissions should cover the violations that IDPs, refugees and stateless persons suffered, with particular attention to sexual violations against women and children
  • The inclusion of displacement and statelessness as violations of human rights and humanitarian law in justice and accountability processes
  • The provision in reparation programmes of appropriate benefits to refugees and displaced persons for the violations that caused them to flee and those they suffered while displaced, with due regard to women and children IDPs and refugees
  • The inclusion of measures for the secure and appropriately planned return of IDPs, refugees and stateless persons to their place of residence, with programmes at the place of residence that facilitate their resettlement, including restitution of lost land and rebuilding of homes and property.

Climate change has become a global threat for all nations; CPA is looking at the climate change in the Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience. CPA will take the lead to make leverage on the Government of South Sudan to take the issue of Climate Change seriously as top priority in the country.

Sexual and reproductive health rights are critical entitlement best supported through human rights- based approaches empowering rights holders to claim their rights and duty bearers to fulfil their obligations.  Under Article 14 (2) (c) of the Maputo Protocol, States Parties are called upon to take all appropriate measures to “protect the reproductive rights of women by authorizing medical abortion in cases of sexual assault, rape, incest, and where the continued pregnancy endangers the mental and physical health of the mother. 

CPA works to provide rapid and emergency response support to Human Rights Defenders at risk within the country.  CPA shall collaborate with other human rights organizations like South Sudan Human Rights Defenders Network (SSHRDN), Africa Human Rights Network (AHRN) and among other international partners.  

Let’s make a difference in the lives of others